On this page I've included samples of my technical documentation. These few documents are a bit random, chosen primarily because I have access to them and they contain no confidential information. Nevertheless, I hope they give you some idea of my versatility and depth as a tech writer.

Technical Writing Samples

Alexa No-Code Radio
Alexa No-Code Radio

On this page, I used the tabbed tables and drop-down lists available in Jekyll to condense a lot of information and minimize scrolling.

Alexa Extra page
Alexa Extra

Alexa Extra pages feature tips or other additional information related to the lesson content. I created the artwork and wrote the content (Amazon Alexa Learning Lab).

Alexa Radio Catalog Reference
Alexa Radio Catalog API Reference

This is a simple API reference document for the Alexa Radio Skills Kit.

Page explaining the code tab in the developer console
Developer Console: Code Tab

For Alexa Learning Lab, I developed this Developer Console feature to showcase various functions of the console and explain how to use them.

Image showing digital farming on a mobile device
Digital Farming API Doc Plan

Developers discover and use APIs by way of their documentation. This plan proposes a comprehensive dev portal offering practical, versatile content to help innovators create novel products and services.

Screenshot of Equinix Fabric API documentation page
Equinix Fabric API Documentation

At Equinix, I was responsible for documenting the company's flagship product: Equinix Fabric, including API CRUD operations, integration, migration, deprecation, and error messages.

Screenshot of a tutorial that shows how to develop an Alexa skill for multiple languages.
Alexa Skills Tutorial

Most Alexa skills can be distributed to several geographic markets representing various languages. This tutorial explains how to create an Alexa skill in multiple languages. As someone who knows how hard it is to learn another language, I really care about helping developers who are non-native English speakers

Screenshot of YAML from an API spec
What Is a REST API, Anyway?

This document explains API functionality to an audience of product owners, project managers, trainers, and others in nontechnical or semitechnical roles.

Excerpt from writing sample
Products and Discounts

To build an ordering API, developers need to understand the company's pricing structure. This piece introduces some of the variables that can affect promotional rates and discounts.

Screenshot of a technical document titled 'Increment Your Device Firmware.'
Semantic Versioning

Technical document that explains the use of semantic versioning in Alexa Connect Kit.

Screenshot of Alexa Skills Foundations course opener.
Alexa Skills Foundations Course Opener (Alexa Learning Lab)

Course content must be not only accurate, but also interactive and visually appealing. For this Alexa Learning Lab beginner course, I designed an approachable, gamified look and feel.

Screenshot of Alexa Skills Foundations sample page.
Alexa Skills Foundations Sample Page (Alexa Learning Lab)

Interactive course elements, such as this set of flashcards, keep learners engaged.